Sentence example with the word 'mugwump'


anythingarian, bigwig, dilatoriness, heavyweight, jellyfish, lion, proselyte, renegate, separatist, temporization, turncoat

Definition n. someone who bolted from the Republican Party during the U.S. presidential election of 1884

Last update: September 9, 2015


I took the best ` mugwump' stand - my own conscience, my own judgment were to decide in all things.   [Please select]


"I'd have believed anything but that you would be a dashed Mugwump."   [Please select]


Of course I can tell him that I am a Mugwump, but what if he asks me why I am a Mugwump.   [Please select]


There was only one degree lower, and that was to be a mugwump.   [Please select]


To his mind the entire Mugwump movement revolved around Grover Cleveland and opposition to the election of Mr.   [Please select]


It pleased him to represent the Mugwump party of Chicago as consisting of General McClurg, John W.   [Please select]


General McClurg: "Do you declare your unalterable belief in the Mugwump doctrine of free-will and election."   [Please select]


He scoffed at the idea of becoming a Mugwump, but declared himself ready to renounce his Republicanism and become a Democrat.   [Please select]


George William Curtis, Carl Schurz, Charles Francis Adams, and other Independents of their intransigent temper formed a Mugwump Party and this turned the scale in electing Grover Cleveland President.   [Please select]


It involves the history of a general who never retraced his steps, who cared neither for mugwump murmurs nor political cabals, who took both blame and praise with equanimity.   [Please select]

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