Sentence example with the word 'tramples'


Last update: June 30, 2015


Spinozism, however, though it tramples down the barrier between body and soul, is not yet metaphysical idealism, because it does not reduce extension to thought, but only says that the same substance is at once extended and thinking - a position more akin to materialism.   [Please select]


War tramples gallantry in the dust, leaves women at the mercy of a brutal soldiery, slaughters old men, and tosses babes on bayonet-points.   [Please select]


Born of Good Cheer it links its fate with the higher attributes and tramples under foot the fears which spring up before it.   [Please select]


When the Prince did not return, poor Hyacinthia wept bitterly and changing herself from a milestone into a little blue field flower, she said, 'I will grow here on the wayside till some passer-by tramples me under foot.'   [Please select]


Miss Keggs became extraordinarily animated with the feverish animation of one who, having made up her mind after hesitation, furiously tramples hesitation under foot.   [Please select]


You has me down, and you tramples on me.   [Please select]

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trampled - tramples - trampling